Re: Até Mais, Lisbon

Joost Schuttelaar EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Jun 14 14:20:09 CEST 2008

On Jun 14, 2008, at 13:58 , Andrew Robinson wrote:

> The main thing wrong with it is the way the eu tried to force it
> through with as little democratic interference as possible. Renaming
> the constitution to get round the earlier no votes, then only letting
> one country vote on it despite promises to the contrary is the reason
> Ireland voted no.

Yeah. I'm actually in favour of the content of the changes, but this  
process is very bad for the health and credibility of the European  
democracy. I'm happy the Irish voted no, as to give a moment to think  
about what is going wrong.

I think it's mainly a communications issue. The EU is run quite open  
and transparent (more so than most EU national governments), but  
nobody understands how it works. If federal Europe wants to be a  
success, it has to be made much simpler (which is what in part this  
treaty was about).


Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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