Midibox Seq v3

Fri Jul 18 10:43:25 CEST 2008

Hi Micke

Mikael Hansson wrote:
> Martin Naef wrote:
>> It's definitely fun, even though I have to admit I haven't really used 
>> the sequencer since building it...
> Why? Just curious if I should try to build one. Maybe you just turn to 
> your P3 instead? (I think you have a P3, right?)

In German we have a saying that translates literally into " 'better' is
'good''s worst enemy". The Midibox Seq is really good to quickly hack
together 16bar sequences. The UI which shows all 16 steps at once is
actually much easier to work with than on the P3. It's also very easy to
use a keyboard to transpose those sequences, effectively turning the Seq
into a very cool arpeggiator.

However, I find that step-sequencers are only really interesting once
you add all kinds of modulation/randomisation/gating/etc. to it - that's
where the P3 absolutely shines, and I'm more than willing to forgive its
"pocket calculator interface" as Jay would call it. In return for a
certain learning curve, after which the P3 is actually quite efficient
to use, I got a machine that approaches algorithmic composition.



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