RPM rough cut

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Feb 23 14:49:48 CET 2008

Andrew Robinson schreef:
> Hmm, everyone else seems to be throwing mixes up for discussion, so
> here's a rough cut of "Diversion" by LX Nen for your delectation,
> discussion, dissection, deletion or anything else that starts with a
> D:
> http://www.lxnen.com/DiversionRoughVersion.mp3

Great track, Andy! There's so much to 
listen to in this one. I'm listening for 
the second time now. Love the guitars 
(or are they really guitars?) And it's a 
long track too. Good to have you on the 
album :-)



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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