(rant) people suck

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Feb 9 15:09:35 CET 2008

Tony Scharf schreef:
> On Feb 9, 2008 4:46 AM, Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at chello.nl> wrote:

>> BTW, Tony - how was your trip to NM? Did
>> you take anything home?

Hey, Tony,

> The trip was fantastic!

Thanks for your elaborate story! Music 
shops are cool - but dangerous for the 
wallet area...

I remember visiting music shops myself 
with my friends, years ago. Some shops 
suck, they never have anything in stock, 
or they don't want you to even touch the 
gear. But other shops are awesome, and 
you can spend a whole day there without 
people complaining.
Nowadays I buy most stuff over the net, 
though, and for tests and mp3's I use 
the internet as well.

> The first thing we whooked up was Niall's Manikin Shcrittmacher to a
> Vermona DRM MkIII - an analog drum synthesizer.  It has a lot of very
> well thought out features, right next to some very puzzling misses,
> but I'd take its sound over a jomox any day of the week!  The
> Schrittmacher did an excellent job of sequencing it, and Niall (who
> has very deaft live drum programming skills) had it really singing in
> the shop.

I tried the Vermona as well. It sounds a 
bit like a small box to me. I personally 
prefer the Jomoxes. The are more like 
big boxes :-)

> Drums arent enough, though, so we also unboxed an Angel Dust edition
> SE1x and Prophet 08.
> The prophet actually surprised me.  It *definitely* sounds different
> than a PEK with the digital bits turned off, and it really is an
> impressive sexy synth.  Its looks dont conjure up memories of the
> prophet 5 nearly as much as the Prophet 600.  Fortunately, it sounds
> much better than the 600!.  The 8 voice poly is very nice, and its got
> a warmer rounder tone than the PEK.  the filter, in particularly, was
> a little smoother and less spikey.  I am seriously thinking of
> ditching my virus in favor of a Prophet 08 rack when the show up in
> March.

I haven't really heard the 08. I will 
check out the net - I'm really curious.

> the SE1x was, of course, the instrument I walked out with.  I wanted
> one for near on 12 years since they were first released in the 90s.
> Its got a very pure analog bass power, and over the years they have
> tricked it out and improved the design (snappier envelopes, more
> modulation, a 'fuzz' effect switch for internal clipping of the
> filter, etc).  Its got a huge sound, that is kinda like a moog that
> isnt a moog, and I just already love it.

Cool. I still have the older SE1, 
without the snappy envelopes. Sometimes 
that annoys me, but it's just the way it 
is. That fuzz must be cool, though :-)

> Oh, and Niall didnt walk out empty handed either.  He did pick up the
> Vermona and a mixer.  both of which are going to come in handy at our
> jam ession today (which I need to go clean up the studio for).  Demos
> of everything to come later..

Excellent. I'm looking forward.

Have fun, guys!



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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