Belated conspiracy

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Dec 20 13:08:09 CET 2008

The Dong schreef:

> Did you watch the footage? Conflicting reports?
> The equivalent would be reporting the Mumbai incident before they got 
> off the boat and started shooting, saying exactly how many died and what 
> types of weapons were used. And the names of all the turrists + their 
> preference in vegetarian foodstuffs.

Yes, I did watch the footage: on the 11th of September 2001. And this 
building 7 was in danger of collapsing throughout the day. And 
eventually it did collapse. Another building was in danger of collapsing 
too (forgot which one exactly), but it didn't.

If there hadn't been any reports throughout the day that building 7 was 
structurally damaged and all of a sudden, poof, it went, and the BBC 
reported it 20 minutes earlier, then yes, you would have had a valid point.

But it's simply a matter of what you want to believe. Just like some 
people believe that a Celtic fertility rite involving an oak leaf will 
do any good, or that by dancing in a church and singing 'hallelujah' 
will bring about all sorts of good things, so some others want to 
believe that September 11th was a US government conspiracy, and they 
will use any morsel, however far-fetched, to preach their belief to 
others, and completely ignore overwhelming evidence to the contrary 
(like, two bloody big buildings collapsed nearby) and common sense if 
they contradict The Belief.

It's just a new form of religion. Get over it.

- Peter

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