cool .. make your own monome controller ..

Wed Aug 20 12:43:02 CEST 2008

Hi Jay

Jay Vaughan wrote:
>> There is an increasingly exciting place for DIY, but I don't see it
>> threatening commercial hardware anytime soon. It's an activity to be
>> creative and to have fun, to do things *differently*.

> There is a new generation of people growing up who really eschew  
> consumerist activities and prefer to DIY.  This is only going to  
> expand in the coming years, I believe.  For sure, there are the  

I wished I could share your optimism. I think there has always been a 
group of people who are creative and do DIY, and there's the rest who's 
into consumerism. There might be a shift within the DIY-group towards 
more electronics work and coding, but I don't see the big shift in the 
overall balance, unfortunately. At the moment I still see a generation 
of kids brought up on TV and the idea that one can "buy" happiness, the 
notion of making an effort and hard work being rather alien...

> *important* that this happen, frankly ..

Having done DIY on various levels all my life (my current studio is also 
an electronics workshop and a shipyard), I wholeheartedly agree. I just 
don't know how to make it happen on a larger scale, other than leading 
by example within my own, small world.



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