New songs from Romain

Tony Hardie-Bick EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Aug 6 19:34:27 CEST 2008

Romain Gros wrote:
> you wrote:
>  " 7. Good drum sounds. Serious cheese, in a good way. I think this may also
> be a
> really good piece. Really seriously good. Lyrics are high quality (is this
> original?)"
> I think  my lyrics is a big part of what I'm doing beside the music ( I
> write a lot recently )...  Lyrics  was and it's still a kind of Auto
> psychotherapy for me ...
> This song is ( I must admit ) weird for me , I was in a kind of love with a
> girl but I was feeling that actually something will go wrong ...
> (and I wasn't wrong about it ;)
>  between the lines I talk/sing to myself : "be prepared now you are more
> than aware "(which means "I should be prepare and no be blind" )
>  but no one can really know about it except me ,this is the cool thing with
> poems , sometimes you can mean many things by saying just one symbolic
> sentence ....
> in the end of song you can hear : " papa palala " which could be
> interpreted  in french : "pas pas pas  la la" , or "papa pas la la "...
> I have different ways to interpret it : "father not here here" , or "no no
> not here" .
> Well I'm weird ... :)
> I don't know if it s original but it s just my life ...

I really like the lyrics on this seventh piece.

It's a strange thing, the deeper you have to go to make sense of something, the 
more that this can make sense to other people, who have no clue about what 
you're saying. It's psychotherapy for you and inspiration for others. When 
someone makes you feel deeply, then this is a particular meaning for you, but 
also people recognise in the universal patterns you choose to express yourself 
by, something very special.

Tony (HB)

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