
Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Sep 2 11:52:55 CEST 2007

punkdISCO schreef:
> Morning Gert
> "Listening to Punkdisco + Leah's "Dancing" and "Wot"..."
> Cool - Im itching to get back into stuff.  Gear would have been in storage
> for 4 weeks but it was mostly packed up maybe 3 weeks before that and, well
> over 50% of it was packed up probably 8 months ago..
> Lets start a thread: How long have you had away from musical gear..

I'm in :-)

> Rum and Coke - never really tried Rum but if it makes our tracks sound good
> then Im there!!

Diet Coke and Stroh Rum 80%. Feel a bit 
hung over. I'm glad there's such a thing 
as huge cups of Earl Grey!
Don?t think it makes tracks sound good.

Could you tell me what you are using for 
drums? Jomox and Future Retro? How's the 
FR? More than a 303 clone?


G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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